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SOCEC Positions

Our Board adopted Advocacy Guidelines that serve as the foundation in determining our various positions on legislation and local initiatives. Our Advocacy Committee is quick to respond to member issues.

Letter to  the Assembly Health Committee Supporting SB 1432

On July 3rd, 2024, SOCEC authored and sent a letter to the Senate Governmental Organization Committee in support of SB 1432 (Caballero), an important piece of legislation delaying the deadline for hospitals to obey the 2030 Seismic Mandate, and requires the state to analyze the report of its effects on California Communities. SOCEC supports this legislation as it helps to ensure adequate access to hospital care for Californians. 


Letter to the Senate Governmental Organization Committee Supporting SB 1152

On April 24, 2024, SOCEC authored and sent a letter to the Senate Governmental Organization Committee in support for SB 1152 (Limón), a pivotal piece of legislation aimed at modernizing fire safety regulations to embrace the advancements in battery technology. SOCEC supports this legislation to enhance fire safety regulations, enable internet service providers to more easily comply with such regulations, and promote responsible and market-driven innovation in California.

Hospital Corridor

Letter to CA State Senate Supporting Extensions of the Seismic Compliance Deadlines

On March 18, 2024, SOCEC authored and sent a letter to the Senate Health Committee expressing our strong support for SB 1119, which would authorize narrow, case-specific extensions of the seismic compliance deadlines mandated by AB 2190 (Reyes, 2018) for three Providence hospitals.

SOCEC is proud to support SB 1119 so that hospitals are afforded the ability to comply with seismic improvements while also ensuring continuous patient care at each facility in communities where that care is desperately needed.

Couple in Library

Letter to CA State Assembly Opposing ACA 14 

On March 6, 2024, SOCEC sent a letter to the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee opposing ACA 14. This constitutional amendment would potentially curtail contracting opportunities for small businesses and reduce flexibility in labor relations on UC Campuses. UC’s ability to form contractual relationships with local businesses benefits not just the businesses themselves, but also the millions of employees and consumers that reside in South Orange County.


Letter to CA Department of Parks and Recreation Supporting Agreeable Curfew for Ohana Festival 2023

On August 24, 2023, SOCEC sent a letter to the California Department of Parks and Recreation supporting an agreeable curfew on the use of Doheny State Park for Ohana Festival 2023. The curfew is conducive to the smooth operation of the festival, which has been a tremendous economic boon for the region, and sensitive to the needs of Dana Point residents.

Beauty in Nature

Letter to CA State Senate Supporting
Modernization of the California Water Plan 

On April 5, 2023, SOCEC sent a letter to the CA State Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee in support of Senate Bill 366 and its efforts related to the California Water Plan. SB-366 will modernize the California Water Plan statutes and establish long-term water supply targets that the state can work to achieve along with local and regional water agencies, wastewater service providers, and other stakeholders.

Forest Fires

Letter to CA Insurance Commissioner Regarding Impeding Insurance Crisis

On March 22, 2023, SOCEC wrote a letter calling upon the Assembly Insurance Committee to enact policy solutions that will address the insurance crisis (made worse in many areas now designated as high Fire Hazard Severity Zones) and present property owners with viable options for affordable coverage. Presently, too many Californians are being priced out and forced to turn to unregulated, non-admitted insurance markets.

Cracked Mud

Letter to CA State Legislature in Support of Policy Changes Aimed at Solving the State's Water Crisis

On November 10, 2022, SOCEC sent a letter calling on California’s state and local policymakers and the Newsom Administration to advance policy solutions that would provide more clean, affordable water for California's over 40 million residents. We also signed onto another Solve the Water Crisis Coalition Letter, adding our voice to the list of agencies and organizations who share in this effort.

Calm Waters

Letter to the CA Coastal Commission Urging Approval for Poseidon Water's Desalination Plant in Huntington Beach

On May 10, 2022, SOCEC sent a letter to the Chair of the California Coastal Commission urging them to approve the Development Permit for the Poseidon Water's Seawater Desalination plant in Huntington Beach. This project would reduce dependence on imported water while also enhancing 

regional water supply 

diversification at at time when Orange County imports 50% of its water.

Gallery Shadows

Letter of Support Requesting Funding for a Cultural & Educational Facility in Mission Viejo

SOCEC has sent a letter to Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla requesting $1.8M for a cultural and educational facility in Mission Viejo.  This is part of a larger economic development project occurring in the Civic Core of the community and would provide new resource for the residents to enjoy, while exploring the history and the natural environment of Mission Viejo.

Rock Concert

Letter Opposing Property Fee Increases for Use of Doheny State Park for 2022's Ohana Music Festival

SOCEC sent a letter to California's elected officials notifying them that we are strongly opposed to the proposed property fee increases associated with the use of Doheny State Park for the 2022 Ohana Music Festival.  The festival generates millions of dollars in revenue for Dana Point and Orange County and any increased fees would negatively impact those economic benefits along with other social contributions to the local community.

Walking in Nature

Letter of Support for the City of Mission Viejo’s Oso Creek Trail Improvement Project

SOCEC sent a letter of strong support to the Economic Development Administration for the Oso Creek Trail Improvement Project in the City of Mission Viejo. The project will expand and make improvements to the Oso Creak recreational trail as part of a larger project to revitalize the Village Town Square and bolster new economic opportunities in the region. 

Foggy Lake

Letter Advocating for Clear Policy Directions for SoCal Greenprint Formulation Process

SOCEC supports a broad based group of business, industry and community organizations that call for the Regional Council to stop SCAG’s work on the Greenprint until clear and well-considered policy directions have been established. 

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Letter of Support for Pupil Access to Computing Devices and Internet Service 

SOCEC supports AB 1560 (Daly) which will help increase broadband adoption and bring more Californians online. We believe this bill does more to expand digital inclusion for families of K-12 students than any other currently-proposed policy solution.

Letter Opposing SCAQMD Warehouse Indirect Source Rule

SOCEC recently joined LABizFed and the Inland Empire Economic Partnership in opposition to SAQMD Rule 2305 which imposes an illegal tax on warehouses, requiring them to reduce emissions by limiting the amount of trucks that can come to their buildings or be subject to a "mitigation fee." â€‹

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Letter of Support for IRWD Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project 

SOCEC supports s the Irvine Ranch Water District’s (IRWD) Syphon Reservoir Improvement Project. The project would greatly increase the district’s recycled water storage capacity, reducing the need to import more expensive water from outside the region, and would be a great asset to residents and the business community. 

Oppose Bill that Modifies Labor Code and current Worker's Compensation Resolution Process

SOCEC expressed concern over SB 213's effort to replace trhe current resolution process administered by the Division of Worker's Compensation with a new system that would establish presumption in the Worker's Compensation Program for hospital employees without having to demonstrate that the ailments arose out of their work.

Support restaurant tax credit

SOCEC supports AB 259 which would allow a one-year retroactive tax credit for personal income taxes and corporation taxes for 2020 providing much needed relief.


Letter Supporting Proposed Huntington Beach Seawater Desalination Project

On March 4, 2021, SOCEC joined onto a letter written calling upon Governor Gavin Newsom to ensure the proposed Huntington Beach Seawater Desalination Project is approved. This facility would be 100% carbon neutral, provide Southern California with a drought-proof water supply, reduce the need to import water, create thousands of jobs, generate millions of dollars in new tax revenues, and protect the Bolsa Chica Wetlands.

Corner Shop

Letter Supporting 
Small Business Awards to Aid in Economic Recovery

On February 16, 2021, SOCEC signed onto a letter to California Senators Borgeas and Caballero in support of SB-74. This bill would appropriate $2.6 billion dollars to the Office of Small Business Advocate toward awarding grants to small businesses and non-profits that have experienced economic hardship resulting from COVID-19.

Los Angeles

Letter Urging Governor Newsom to Address Employer Shortages and Business Exodus Amid State Lockdowns

On January 13, 2021, SOCEC joined onto a joint letter which calls upon the Governor and State Legislature to take immediate action to reduce the costs facing all employers in California. This includes rejecting any new tax measures, expediting financial relief, and allowing employers to utilize net operating losses and tax credits, among other suggestions. 

Utility Pole

Letter to  the Senate Appropriations Committee Supporting SB 1420

On July 3rd, 2024, SOCEC authored and sent a letter to the Senate Governmental Organization Committee in support of SB 1420 (Caballero), a sweeping piece of legislation promoting statewide standards for clean Hydrogen transportation and a more efficient permitting process for Hydrogen Projects. SOCEC supports this legislation as it opens up more possibilities for business by streamlining processes and promotes clean water, air, and coastal environments. 

Modern Housing Complex

Letter to Dana Point City Council Supporting Victoria Blvd. Project

On April 22, 2024, SOCEC authored and sent a letter to the Dana Point City Council to voice its support for the development of the Victoria Boulevard Apartments. After vetting the project thoroughly, we have no doubt that the amenitized  apartments, new public recreation spaces, and critical investment in CUSD schools will prove to be a significant community benefit.

Bicycling in Rain

Letter to CA State Senate Supporting Emergency Water Supply Bill

On March 13, 2024, SOCEC signed onto a letter of support for SB 1218, which would enact a state policy to encourage and incentivize greater investment in and development of emergency water supplies across the state. SOCEC agrees this policy will make communities more resilient, better able to withstand drought and flood, and more prepared to provide safe and reliable water supplies to residents, business and the environment.


Letter to Senate Health Committee Supporting SB 1119

On Mard 3rd, 2024 SOCEC sent a letter of support to the Senate Health committee. Senate Bill 1119 is a Providence-sponsored bill related to seismic compliance and hospital access. The bill would relieve, already assuredly safe hospitals, from being forced to comply with Seismic standards. The bill is focused on three of our hospitals, one of which is in Orange County and serves a significant Medi Cal population. 


Letter to U.S. Congress Opposing Efforts to Prohibit Arbitration and Class Action Waiver Provisions 

On July 27, 2023, SOCEC signed onto a joint letter put forward by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce opposing numerous bills attempting to prohibit arbitration and class action waivers. The legislation is a de facto repudiation of numerous U.S. Supreme Court decisions over the past decades which have upheld the use of arbitration, mediation, and other cost-effective alternatives to litigation.


Letter to CA State Assembly Housing Committee Opposing Housing-Killing

On April 3, 2023, SOCEC signed onto a joint letter put forward by the California Chamber of Commerce to the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee opposing AB-68. This bill, which would effectively mandate exclusionary land use policies, would further restrict housing supply, raise costs and prices of homes, further inequality, and savagely curtail the authority of local governments.


Letter to State Water Resources Control Board Opposing Proposed Reductions in Water Supply from Mono Basin

On February 17, 2023, SOCEC sent a letter to the State Water Resources Control Board's Division of Water Rights requesting that it not prohibit the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power from utilizing the City of Los Angeles’ water rights in the Mono Basin. Such action would further disrupt California’s strained water resources and have a deleterious impact on water supply overall.


Letter of Support for Permitting of Doheny Desalination Project in Dana Point

On October 7, 2022, SOCEC sent a letter to the California Coastal Commission to voice our support of the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project. This project will greatly contribute to the long-term sustainability and water supply reliability in South Orange County, and it is a step in the right direction towards approving more desalination plants where appropriate.

Smiling Person Talking through Headphones

Letter to CA Public Utilities Commission Regarding Advancement of Broadband Infrastructure 

SOCEC sent a letter to the President of the CA PUC urging her to adopt the Federal Funding Account Program Rules and remove pricing proposals to advance broadband infrastructure in Southern California.

Political Conference

Letter of Recommendations Concerning the Greenprint & Draft (RAMP) Policy Framework

SOCEC has sent a business & Labor Coalition Summary Recommendation Letter to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) concerning the Greenprint & the Draft Regional Advanced Mitigation Program (RAMP) Policy Framework that was presented at the February 18, 2022 meeting of SCAG’s Regional Advance Mitigation Planning Advisory Task Group.

Working on Rooftop

Letter of Support for Cox Communication's Partnership with SANDAG/SCAG RFQ to Bridge the Digital Divide

SOCEC has notified the San Diego Grants Program Manager that we support the proposed partnership between Cox Communications and SANDAG/SCAG with the goal of providing better internet access to people living in South Orange County. 

Solar Panels

Letter Urging CA Public Utilities Commission to Reform Its 25-Year-Old Net Energy Metering (NEM) Subsidy Program

SOCEC has joined a diverse coalition of organizations, businesses and renewable energy advocates that support an extensive reexamination of California’s solar rooftop Net Energy Metering program that currently jeopardizes our transition to 100% clean energy.


Letter to Congresswoman Katie Porter Opposing 
Corporate Tax Increases

SOCEC sent a letter to Rep. Katie Porter (CA-45th D) that urgers her and her colleagues in Congress to not raise corporate taxes to fund infrastructure.  Any raise in corporate taxes would further burden our Main Street business that are still recovering from the hardships caused by the recent COVID-19 Pandemic.  

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Letter of Opposition to Assembly Bill 650 and Increased Costs on Healthcare Providers

SOCEC sent letters of opposition to Assemblymembers Davies, Choi and Petrie-Norris and signed-on to a letter from the California Chamber of Commerce in opposition of AB 650. This bill seeks to impose at least an estimated $6 billion in direct payroll costs on healthcare providers, which have lost billions of dollars during the pandemic, jeopardizing access to affordable healthcare for Californians. 

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Letter Opposing Expensive Paid Sick Day Accrual Bill

SOCEC recently joined the California Chamber of Commerce in opposition to AB995 which would impose signficant costs on small businesses by amending the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act to increase the number of sick days employers are required to provide. 

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Support Santa Margarita Water District's San Juan Watershed Project Application

SOCEC supported SMWD's application for funding through the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's WaterSmart Program for Title XVI water reclamation and reuse projects for FY 2021. 

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Community Project Funding/Support for Medical Assistant Academy Program 

Called on U.S. Representative Porter to prioritize Providence's Medical Assistant Academy Program in Mission Viejo as one of her recommended projects. 


Letter Opposing Senate Bill 213 Changes to Workers' Comp. Program

On April 15, 2021, SOCEC wrote a letter to Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Pat Bates, to vocalize our opposition to BS-213. This bill would establish a presumption in the workers’ compensation program for hospital employees for a broad range of illnesses and injuries and relieve them from having to demonstrate that certain diseases or ailment arose out of their work environment.


Letter Supporting Rancho Mission Viejo's NEV Transportation plan

On February 18, 2021, SOCEC wrote a letter to California Senator Lena Gonzalez voicing support for Senator Pat Bates' SB-214, which would authorize Orange County to develop a neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) transportation plan for the developing community of Rancho Mission Viejo. These vehicles provide an alternative to automobile travel within the community to reduce auto emissions and provide a great convenience for residents.

Water Purifier & Glass

Letter to Three Valleys MWD Board Regarding Water Affordability and Access

On January 27, 2021, SOCEC wrote a letter to the Three Valleys Municipal Water District's Board of Directors standing for South Orange County's right to have a local water source. It commended the Board for its effort to answer its remaining questions the Cadiz Water Project's possible environmental impacts and urged that it continue the desert springs study.


Letter to  the Assembly Appropriations Committee Supporting SB 1218

On June 28th, 2024, SOCEC authored and sent a letter to the Senate Governmental Organization Committee in support of SB 1218 (Newman), an important piece of legislation hoping to enact a state policy to encourage greater investment in and development of emergency water supplies across the state by removing the state's obligation to provide emergency water. SOCEC supports this legislation as it provides greater opportunity for the privatization of emergency water. 


Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Opposing SB 1490 

On April 8, 2024, SOCEC authored and sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee opposing SB 1490 (Durazo). The bill would require food delivery platforms to disclose to customers the fees that restaurants pay platforms for each order, resulting in the disclosure of highly confidential business information that many restaurants in California have an interest in protecting.

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Letter to CA State Assembly Supporting Balboa Ferry CARB Regulation Exemption

On March 11, 2024, SOCEC authored and sent a letter to Assemblywoman Diane Dixon supporting AB 3153, which would exempt the Balboa Ferry from CARB regulations for a period of 15 years or until commercially viable electric motor technology is developed to comply. According to expert analysis, electrification technology does not currently exist for the Ferry to continuously operate without adding external floatation devices to the hull due to significant battery weight. It is unreasonable to expect the Ferry to meet this demand by the regulatory deadline.

Aerial View of Public Park

Letter of Support for Rancho Mission Viejo as the Location for the Wildfire Resource Center

On November 14, 2023, SOCEC sent a letter to the Orange County Fire Authority to express our strong support for the selection of Rancho Mission Viejo (RMV) as the location for the Wildfire Resource Center. Our endorsement is based on several important factors, and align with the OCFA staff’s September 2023 recommendation.


Letter to CA State Senate Opposing New  Employment Regulations on UC Schools

On July 24, 2023, SOCEC sent a letter to the CA State Senate Senate Elections & Constitutional Amendments Committee opposing ACA 6, which would impose new employment regulations on UC schools. This legislation uniquely singles out UC's while affording separate treatment for other universities and delegates negotiating power and authority away from the UC’s to the State Personnel Board.

Doctor and Patient

Letter to CA State Senate Opposing Health Care Job-Killing Legislation

On April 3, 2023, SOCEC sent a letter to the CA State Senate opposing Senate Bill 525, which would mandate massive wage hikes for an estimated 1.5 million health care facility staff members. By implementing this job-killing bill, the government would impose astronomical additional costs on employers, which will result in widespread layoffs, reduced hiring, and/or decreased hours for the very health care workers this bill allegedly aims to protect.

Wild Fire

Letter to CalFire Requesting an Extension to Review Proposed Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps

On January 11th, 2023, SOCEC sent a letter to the California Fire Authority to request an extended period of public comment so that business and community leaders could have sufficient time to review the proposed Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps that were released near the holidays.


Update: CalFire agreed to our suggested 60 day extension for public review/comment.

Sunset on Solar Panels

Letter to CA Public Utilities Commission Requesting Long-Overdue Net Energy Metering (NEM) Reform

On August 24, 2022, SOCEC joined over 60 organizations in signing onto a letter that urges the CA Public Utilities Commission to enact meaningful reform to the state’s rooftop solar program. This requires the elimination of the decades-long unfair cost burden on the 90% of Californians without solar. We ask the state to modernize its NEM program and actually meet its own clean energy goals.

Government Building Columns

Letter of Support for Funding SMWD's Ranch Water Filtration Project & Oso Barrier Water Treatment Plant Project

SOCEC has sent a letter to Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla as well as Representative Mike Levin, strongly in favor of supporting a request for funding concerning Santa Margarita Water District's Ranch Water Filtration & Oso Barrier Water Treatment Plant Projects.

Glasses of Water

Letter of Support for Funding Santa Margarita Water District's San Juan Watershed Project

SOCEC has sent a letter to the Deputy General Manager of Santa Margarita's Water District strongly in favor of funding SMWD's San Juan Watershed Project 

implementation grant application. This grant would ultimately help improve water supply reliability and create a new source of potable water in the San Juan Groundwater Basin.


Letter of Support for Tentative Orders Regarding the South OC Wastewater Authority & Doheny Desalination Project

The San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board recently released Tentative Orders #s R9-2022-0005 & R9-2022-0006 relating to the Wastewater Authority & Doheny Desalination Project for public review. SOCEC urges support for these orders due to the critical need for a reliable, local and safe drinking water supply.

Doctor Examining Patient

Letter of Opposition to Job-Killing SB 213

SOCEC signed on to a letter of opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce to members of the California State Senate voicing their disapproval of SB-213.  This bill, which has been labeled a “job killer” will impose an astronomical financial burden on employers in the healthcare industry.

Staring at a Screen

Letter Urging for the Removal of Barriers to Broadband Adoption for Low Income Public Housing Residents 

SOCEC supports SB 743 (Bradford) which will effectively, sustainably, and equitably bridge the digital divide by removing barriers to broadband adoption for low-income public housing residents. 

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Letter Supporting the Revitalization of the Village in Laguna Hills

SOCEC strongly supports the revitalization efforts of the Village at Laguna Hills which could create more than 8,000 jobs in retail, entertainment, construction and other areas. The project would also generate approximately $22 million in park fees to update community parks in the city.  

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Letter Regarding Clarifications to SoCal Greenprint Initiative

SOCEC signed onto a coalition of business, industry and community organizations requesting clarification to ensure that the SoCal Greenprint is appropriately crafted and that we have a viable tool that can truly support our business, development and labor partners in their efforts to strengthen the Southern California region for all of its inhabitants. 

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Advocate for Sounds Housing Policies in San Clemente

Called on the San Clemente City Council to strongly consider a policy that does not restrain housing production, increase ownership costs and further complicate attainability.

Support assuring that operators of toll roads statewide can perform the necessary operations to enforce toll policies

SOCEC supports SB 623 (Newman) because it makes it clear that toll facilities are permitted to share necessary customer information with the Department of Motor Vehicles and other agencies to pursue toll collection and enforcement.

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Letter of Support for Assembly Bill 62 and Tax Credits for Struggling Businesses

On March 16, 2021, SOCEC signed onto a letter supporting AB-62 aimed at facilitating California’s economic recovery amid new burdensome regulatory requirements in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This bill begins to address these increasingly pervasive issues by providing a tax credit for struggling businesses seeking to comply with costly new COVID-19 regulations.


Letter Supporting 
Forest and Fire Capacity Program Budget Item

On February 18, 2021, SOCEC wrote a letter of support for a proposed budget item for the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) Program of the Department of Conservation in the California Resources Agency. The RFFC as it stands does not include Orange County, and this budget item will help regional collaborations like COAST realize their potential to prevent wildfires and keep communities safe.


Letter Providing Comment on the Notice of Preparation for a DEIR Report on Legacy at Coto Project

On January 27, 2021, SOCEC wrote a letter reaffirming support for The Legacy at Coto California Grand Villages project. However, the letter also requested that a further study within the Draft Environmental Impact Report be conducted to provide a traffic data analysis, outlining which intersections in Rancho Santa Margarita would be impacted.

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